The Skin:
Types and Conditions
The skin is the largest organ in the human body and accounts for up to one-sixth of our body’s weight. In this context, the skin acts as a barrier between the human body and its environment, successfully fulfilling a large number of tasks essential for maintaining overall human health.
Subsequently, there are three basic skin types: normal, oily and dry. Each skin type has certain characteristics that require specific treatment and customized products. Yet, the skin type may change during our lifetime due to state of health, climate effects and stress, leading to additional treatment needs that may only be diagnosed by a skin care professional.
Every skin type can suffer from one or several conditions such as becoming dehydrated, the appearance of acne, discoloration or even aging. It is critical to know the exacts of your skin in order to receive the best treatment – and receive an overall glow. With NOON – all of this is possible.
Skin Types
Normal Skin Info
Normal skin has a uniform hue and texture, without blemishes or visible pores. The skin has a tendency to burn after long exposure to the sun and only later to tan. Pimples appear usually in the T area (forehead, nose, chin). The skin’s complexion is usually light. After the face is cleaned, there is a feeling skin that is tight and dry.
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Oily Skin Info
Oily skin has hyper-functioning sebaceous glands, wide-open pores, the tendency for ‘blackheads’ and a thick texture – while it is occasionally coarse and rough. Oily skin is slow to wrinkle and tans relatively easily with a complexion that ranges from olive to dark. After the face is cleaned, oily skin has a tendency to shine approximately for one hour after.
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DRY Skin Info
Dry skin has hypo-functioning sebaceous glands and a greater tendency for injuries from external factors, including sun and wind). As the skin gets older, dry skin tends to separate between the skin’s layers, pores close, and the skin tends to wrinkle. Dry skin has a light complexion, burns easily in the sun and peels immediately thereafter. After the face is cleaned, there is a feeling of tension, often accompanied by a feeling of having been bitten and itching, with an emphasis placed on the winter and seasonal changes.
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Skin Condition
Acne is a chronic, multi-factored and infectious disease of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The main factors for developing acne are increased secretion of sebum and enlargement of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of ‘blackheads’ – which are disturbances in the flow of sebum causing the sebaceous glands to be stretched even more, leading to bacterial infection. In addition, there is an increase in an anaerobic bacterium together with the addition of streptococci and staphylococci. read more about acne
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There are two types of aging skin – the “natural” / chronological (age-related) aging which causes the skin to be thinner, vulnerable, dry, less flexible and harder; and this type of aging skin is the result of exposure to the sun’s rays (UV). UV rays cause thickening of the skin making it rough and giving it an uneven appearance (distribution of the pigmentation cells), thus the complexion is not uniform, with brown spots. The damage from the sun’s rays is expressed also in the deeper skin layers: in the dermis layer the sun destroys the collagen fibers and the elastin fibers, and turns them into granular, useless material. The skin loses its strength and flexibility, and subsequently deep wrinkles are formed, leaving the skin to sag. The small blood vessels in the skin are also damaged and become fragile, and therefore contusions occur with every touch, pressure or cut.
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Discolored skin patches are irregular areas where there are changes in skin color. They are a common problem with a wide array of potential causes. Some of the more common causes for changes in skin color are illness, injury, and inflammatory problems. Discolored skin patches also commonly develop in a certain part of the body due to a difference in melanin levels. Melanin is the substance that provides color to the skin and protects it from the sun. When there is an overproduction of melanin in a given area, it can result in skin discoloration in that area.
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Dehydrated Info
Dehydrated skin lacks water or moisture, usually as the result of a decrease in the production of skin moisture and oil.
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Skin redness and sensitivity are defined as an inflammation of the epidermal layer of the skin. The cause can be allergic, infection, or a hereditary tendency such as seborrheic dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. The term atopic means non-typical and therefore refers to a hereditary tendency.
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Sensitive skin burns easily when exposed to the sun, as it usually has a light complexion with a tendency to ‘blush’, along with having a ‘transparent’ look. The skin’s texture is dry and brittle and it has a tendency to develop allergies to certain components in creams or perfumes.
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Skin with a combination of conditions burns easily when exposed to the sun, as it usually has a light complexion with a tendency to ‘blush’ and have a ‘transparent’ look. The skin’s texture is dry and brittle and it has a tendency to develop allergies to certain components in creams or perfumes.
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